Got a F A B U L O U S idea for a course you want to sell this year?

I’ve just had two people in the past 24 hours tell me about their amazing course ideas. Both are going to be high production values, professionally filmed and yes a really great course that people will get a lot out of.

And both are completely new directions in business.

This means they’re starting from scratch. Zero online audience.

When it comes down to it, they have a few options.

(First of all, zero is never usually zero. Most people have various lists, contacts and people in their phone they can reach out to, so if this is you, start jotting down names)

Option A – the money option.

Go all out in your Facebook ads, with the goal being that your cost of acquiring a customer in ad spend is less than the price of your program. Requires money to test and breaking even is a good result.

Option B – the time option.

Build your audience organically. If your people are on Instagram then reels are your best choice. Post every day with at least 3-5 reels per week, use stories and get to know what your audience loves. When it’s time to promote your course, they’re ready to jump in.

Option C – the hybrid option.

Use a combination of posting and ads. Build your audience before you’re ready to sell to them, posting and enjoying creating content. Reels will still work for you. You can run ads to grow video views and your mailing list. You’re not going for the sale from a cold audience & your ads will perform better because of your organic content.

Which one you choose depends on your budget of time or money.

The main message is… get cracking now. If you want to sell this year now is the time to start having a go, finding your people online.

They do exist.

They just don’t know you exist.

P.S I wrote my book to help you get cracking with a bang. Click the here to get your copy now.