It so easy to press that Boost Post button! Facebook actively encourages it! They tell you other people are boosting similar posts so you start to think… maybe I should…
There are some definite types of businesses that should definitely boost and I cover them in this video too.BUT if you’re running an online store, or wanting people to head to your website, watch this video before you press boost again!
Boosted Posts are great for building engagement on your Facebook page. Facebook has design them specifically to make post more visible, for you to get more likes, comments, and shares on that post and this can be a fantastic strategy if all the information that you want people to know is contained in that post.
A good example of that might be, someone who’s like a massage studio and they’ve got some appointments available and they want a call to book. So what they want to do is they want more eyeballs, on their post and they want more people to see it, so they gonna boost it. They’re not sending anyone to a website to book.
The thing is if you want to send someone to a website to book, you’re going to need a Traffic ad as these are specifically designed to send traffic to your website. This is a different type of Ad Objective which you set up in the Ads Manager.