Too many business owners I speak with are too ‘busy’ to get anything they actually want done.
Too busy perfecting an online course before it’s ready to launch, too busy hiding behind having to get ‘transcripts of videos’ done before they can get started communicating to the people on their mailing list.
What they’re doing is that they’re adding too many things in front of what they actually want to be doing. That it’s easier for them to hide behind ‘I’m too busy’ to actually do anything that moves their business forward.
So I’ve decided to call BS on being busy.
Here’s some tips to help get you started:
- Decide whether you want to be a bottleneck or a figurehead in your business. Bottlenecks tend to add more and more ways to be ‘busy’ whereas figureheads have a streamlined approach for their work and are able to delegate or remove tasks that they don’t need to do. More on this in my video.
- Schedule some time in your calendar where you make your own business a priority for a change
- Avoid making meetings at times in the day when your creative juices are firing. For me, I’m most productive between 9 – 11am so if I can keep these clear I know I’ll be able to get the work that needs to be done, done.
- Re-purpose content. I see so many people creating different content for Instagram, another piece for Facebook and their email newsletter has a totally different angle. If you can, streamline and re-purpose across all your platforms on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
- Keep it simple. If writing blogs full of tweetable tweets take up hours of your week every week, maybe it’s time to re-think this strategy. Or if you do write an amazing blog, remember to re-purpose it and don’t just post it on Facebook once only to have it be lost straightaway in a sea of non-visibility in the newsfeed. You can use a scheduling tool to post your blogs out regularly or drive traffic to your amazing blogs using Facebook ads to build up awareness of your business (and traffic to your website!)
If you’re someone who is wanting to change up your business or move in a different direction, I’d love to know if your #1 priority is right now to go there. Simply comment below and let me know, because once you tell someone… sometimes it can be the catalyst for change.