Busting the Starving Artist Myth – Interview with Kirsten Jackson

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Kirsten Jackson is a successful marathon running modern artist. She has her own gallery in Sandringham, Melbourne but her art can be seen hanging in the homes of collectors around the world.

One of my favourite things about Kirsten is that she’s on a mission to break the starving artist myth and shares her story and expertise in her online program for artists called Steps to Success.

Her ethos behind her artist “Art should make your soul leap. Go ahead, feel joyful” which is so in tune with the vibe Real Fabulous Marketing. I’m so pleased to have her as my first guest as she let us in behind the very colourful scenes of her artistic practice and business.

You can find out more about Kirsten Jackson and see her artwork at Instagram.com/kirstenjackson_gallery

06.22 How Kirsten started with prints in her business

10.25 Kirsten’s easy hack to make her artwork more recognisable

11.44 If you’re an Artist and not doing this, you’re losing sales

17.57 How she started her online course for artists

20.21 What Kirsten is doing next

24.03 Kirsten’s advice for artists who feel like giving up