Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Investing in Any Course or Coaching Program

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Last week on the podcast, episode 20 with Penny Murden we discussed how online communities have both helped us grow both professionally and personally. I often find myself being pulled in one direction or another wanting to do all the things all at once. I’ve found that having a coach to bounce ideas off can really help me clarify the direction I need to go in and not get persuaded to divert my attention to trying new things that I don’t need to do.

Since running my own business for the past 7 years, I’ve enrolled in tons of online courses. I know more than anyone that when those sales pages are great, they can really speak to you and you’ll be pulling out your wallet before you even know what’s up. That’s why I wanted to share with you three questions that I ask myself before investing in any course or coaching program.

I’d love to know your experiences of joining programs or courses, let me know what you thought of this episode on Instagram @mirandaiveymedia.

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